The world of optimisation and the world wide web is a huge one with new SEO tools and realities hitting us every now and then. While many of us may think that white hat and grey hat methods pertaining to keywords and backlinks as well as social media sharing is all there is to it, this could not be further from the truth. There is a new kid on the block – one that has silently made its way to the higher ranks of SEO tools. It’s called consumer intent. So if you feel like you are blogging for the world wide void, and want to make a mark on the world wide web – this one is for you!
Entire ranking and analytical metrics are now being subject to the whims of this particular term which has now been fashioned as a tool in itself. Forget the days of studying consumer behavior – we are now in the era of matching this new SEO gamut with the world of questions, answers, comments and various other kinds of interactions. This has successfully taken long tail and short tail keywords to a whole new level of functionality and left us with no option but to go entirely white hat with the creation of a digital brand. So here are the ways in which you can use consumer intent to create a successful digital story.
Solutions: As per the new SEO rules, consumer intent is the end all and be all of digital optimisation. To create engaging content which resonates with the consumer’s wants and lifestyle, it is important first make the consumer aware of what solutions he or she can expect from the product or service to offer. For this, consumer intent reading is a must. Only when you know what your core audience wants to fix, will you be able to fashion a product and present it appropriately with the right content.
Presentation: Which brings us to the next point. Building a presence is one of the main factors when it comes to actively working consumer intent into your new SEO efforts. Your blog, your social media pages and your website must all talk about the consumer intent in terms that the consumer will identify with. This is all about presentation and more than that – it is all about content and its efficacy.
Community Building: Simply sharing your posts on social media is not enough. Interaction has been a buzzword and community building is taking it to a whole new high. This new SEO tool is born from the fact that SEO signals are also given out by your social media pages. So if you want to adhere to consumer intent instead of mere keywords and hashtags, you would do well to build groups and prepare contests, events and more where you can interact with your audience and learn more about the kind of content that would click on.
Influence: To mirror consumer intent effectively, the new SEO rules state that it is not merely enough to feature posts on your own blogs and social media pages. The reach must pour in from other other quarters where your audience is most likely to land up as well. This includes other blogs and social media pages. So, merely sharing and building backlinks is not enough any longer. You need to be mindful of getting featured on relevant blogs in posts that shed light on your brand. This is also known as influencer marketing and content marketing – a very important and ground breaking niche.
Call for Action: No post is complete without this powerful button. Embedding a call for action is a vital part of steering your audience towards action. When they read content that mirrors their intent, they will be ready to follow the next step in the process towards making the product or service a part of their lives. So do not forget to put this little tool in place.
Creativity: Finally, the new SEO world is all about being creative. Put the consumer intent across in terms of infotainment – quirky infographics packed with information, videos that resonate with the core issues being faced by your audience, blog posts that address the how to of their daily lives, and so much more can help you here. Do not mindlessly stuff keywords and meta data if you really want to get those precious conversions.