Whether or not you are ready, the world is ready for you! In a recent move, the New Zealand government has announced free trips to Wellington. The catch is that you have to club your holiday with job interviews! That’s right – the NZ government is literally asking you to move there, starting with a free holiday! Get ready to enjoy the culinary delights as well as other attractions like the historic Wellington Cable Car, a trip to the sanctuary in Karori, or simply take on the top of Mount Victoria so that you can get a 360 degree view of the area! The jobs are open in technical and related creative fields. So here is a list of other countries that would pay you to move!
Chile: The Chile government is willing to pay you $50,000 as per the Chile Start Up Program, so that you can easily move there and establish your startup. Also, as an added plus you will get support services from English speaking staff and natives, even though the country is a Spanish speaking one.
United States: That’s right – we said USA! You can actually avail the downtown programs available for settlement in areas like Detroit and Michigan as well as Kansas and Alaska. These Live Downtown Programs will help you move and settle down so that the areas become more culturally and industrially vibrant!
Canada: The region called Saskatchewan (learn how to pronounce that) is ready to bring you home. With tuition reimbursements of close to $20,000 CAD, one can look to move and work here or even establish one’s own business and practice. To avail these reimbursements, you will receive a non refundable tax credit that one can pay out over a period of ten years!
Asian Countries: There are countries like Thailand, Vietnam and Korea that offer many kinds of programs so that you can enjoy a wonderful lifestyle where the urban and the rustic both come together with excellent education opportunities.
Ready to start packing?
9607 609913I surely did not recognize that. Learnt 1 thing new today! Thanks for that. 903280