Books and other art forms hold a mirror to the state of society and our lives in general. If there has ever been an efficient measure of how things are around the world, then that list would feature books right on the top. This Women’s Day, I have turned to books to define my feminine soul. Don’t forget to add your favourite tomes to the list in the comments below! Forget about hot men reading on the subway, becoming the next hot girl reading just about everywhere!

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother: While many of us many not be exactly in tandem with the views and methods laid down by the author in this well known tome, it has to be said that her conviction in her parenting style has made a literary dent and a feminist one too. Put forth by Amy Chua, this book pretty much touches upon all the points that define the military inspired parenting style adopted by parents across Asia, in particular. A wonderfully funny, warm and notoriously horrifying parenting read if you are looking for a book on parenting. My only disclaimer – don’t follow the exact methods, develop your own style the way the author did!

Erma Bombeck: The hilarity in prose and the everydayness of her writing will keep you hooked – such is the magic of her fluid and unintentional comic view of things that would traditionally bog us down. Which is why I have not named just one book, but the author herself. From coping to understanding and making light of many situations, her books have it all. Start with ‘If Life is a Bowl of Cherries’ to warm up!

Lean In: This just had to figure on my list! The motivation and inspiration factor in the book is palpable from the very first page when author Sheryl Sandberg addresses her discerning audience. The book has a variety of life lessons that go beyond the boardroom – lessons that can actually teach us to live a guilt free existence even as we ask for what is rightfully ours, in a respectful and normal manner.

Half the Sky: This beautiful book speaks of opportunities and has been penned by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. The authors have put forth a simple premise – women hold up half the sky. Within the pages of this book, one can actually find ways in which oppression can be seen as precious opportunity to uphold our social and personal standing as women. The book discusses a variety of hard hitting issues starting from rape to education and other solutions. The varied worldview is what makes this tome a rather relevant one!

The Bonesetter’s Daughter: This one is by famed author Amy Tan, who has lent her experiences as an Asian immigrant daughter to tell the story of a mother who made her way from the dusty plains of China to make a life in USA. The book has much beauty in its simple words and brings a sense of the exotic to the nerve wracking journey of its main protagonist.


1 comment on “5 Books to Warm Your Feminine Soul

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