The main goal of any brand in the digital realm today is to get noticed. Getting noticed is all about bringing together an entire gamut of elements and activities that will contribute positively to your social media and search engine signals. This, in turn, creates better ranking for your page and engages your consumer.
Now, when we speak of engagement, there are a number of things that come to mind. Content marketing is one such strategy that should be well placed and well used to position your page and site for maximum conversion opportunities. So what is conversion? When you reach out to your target audience and convince them to follow your call of action, you have successfully carried out lead conversion. That is the main element here – the call for action.
Engagement happens with the right kind of content and its marketing. The right content marketing strategy will come with a number of advantages and benefits. Here, is is crucial to remember that the call for action is one of the best action inducing strategies when you are creating and marketing your content. So how can you leverage this? Follow our simple tips!
- Answer a Question: When you create a post or some content for your website, it is crucial to choose a very niche question and answer it as a part of your content marketing strategy. This should have to do with a long tail keyword that typically solved a problem for your target audience. A good content marketing strategy will embed such a convincing answer into the content as a great start point.
- Add Value: Choose to add value. This is a great call for action. Instead of asking your customer to “click here to know more”, ask them to “click and drive traffic in a better way.” Just an example – but you get the drift, right?
- Make it Distinctive: Ensure that you have a small number of very well etched out and clear cut call for actions. This will ensure that your customer does not get overwhelmed, and the message is loud and clear, as well. This is one of the advantages of a good content marketing strategy. You can even use a different colour to highlight your call for action. Also, you should ensure that this button or link is fairly uncluttered and does not have too much text or imagery around it, as it may end up confusing the reader and customer.
- Define the Draw: When you speak of a limited offer or some time bound discounts, you are effectively creating a good call for action in your overall content marketing strategy. Ensure that you use such tools to bring in your customers and successfully convert them.
- Add a Call for Action on Each Page: Even if it is the same call for action, consider adding one on each page so that your audience will have a hard time missing it. This is one of the best parts of a good content marketing strategy which also has many advantages. With such a strategy, you can also interlink your pages and create some good ranking signals internally. But at the same time, a good content marketing strategy will also steer clear of gray hat SEO tactics – read more here!
So are you ready to enjoy the benefits of a well thought out content marketing strategy with this simple element?